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The inspiration for “The Recipe” is best described as a push from within. We all have had that from time to time; that feeling to create or do something but not sure which direction to go or how to even get started.    A family recipe,    murder and raw-nerve pain were the only ideas I had; but no story in which to place them.    My producing partner and go-to Lead Actress, Crystal Porter-Bazemore joined me in this effort to build a story centered on a family recipe.    With the amount of hate and divisiveness in the world I believe Crystal and I were indirectly influenced to create a film that in some way reflected back to the world what we all do to ourselves. So, the story was essentially writing itself.    But it wasn’t until Crystal introduced a brilliant subplot that the full shape of how I wanted to tell this story became clear. The term  aggressive aesthetic  is how I describe the use of beauty and art to foster conflict. The bone deep and plucking-the-nerve approach to pulli

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